Values and Ethos
School Values and Ethos
At Ramsey Spinning Infant and Ramsey Junior School our mission is simply to broaden the life choices of ALL our children by offering them high quality, memorable learning opportunities that allows them to develop academically, emotionally and socially. We pride ourselves on placing the children and their families at the heart of everything we do. We have high aspirations for ALL of our children and want them to experience success by reaching their full potential. We do not put a ceiling on the children’s learning journey - the sky's the limit!
Through our enquiry based curriculum our children can develop their passion and enthusiasm for learning. We want ALL of our children to love coming to school and be proud of their achievements, respecting themselves and each other.
Our school aims are:
To provide a happy, safe and nurturing environment where all children are recognised as a unique and valued individual.
To ensure every child has an enjoyable and stimulating educational experience that is facilitated by excellent teaching.
For children to develop their enquiring minds and become confident, curious and independent learners.
To build the foundations for lifelong learners so children are next phase ready.
To foster positive attitudes to learning and behaviour.
To celebrate the local community in which we live and develop a greater understanding for the wider world and environment.
To respect other people’s beliefs and cultures and celebrate diversity.
To be a forward looking school, prepared to embrace new ideas and work collaboratively with others to promote high standards.
Our learning values are at the heart of our school community and are promoted in all aspects of school life. We want our children to learn to:
Be Kind
Be Brave
Be Creative
Be Curious
Be Respectful
Be a Team
Together, we endeavour to ‘Inspire - Believe - Achieve’