
Our Music leader is Mr Parnell 

Our Music intent

At Ramsey Junior School our children have a firm understanding of ‘music’ as a subject through listening, singing, playing, composing and appraising across a wide variety of historical periods, styles, traditions, and musical genres, while using rich, subject-specific vocabulary. We are committed to developing a curiosity for the subject and ensure children understand the importance of music to their own and others’ lives as well as the impact music has in the wider community, including the positive impact that music has on mental health and well-being. We believe that all children should have access to music - regardless of their academic ability, race, ethnicity, background and language. All pupils are actively encouraged to participate fully as music is often an area of the curriculum which allows them to excel. Across both key stages, children have a range of opportunities to experience live musical performances and to take part in wider musical performances such as plays, nativities, assemblies, extra-curricular activities, peripatetic music lessons and workshops with musical artists and arts organisations.