Year 6

I’m Miss Mann and I teach in Chestnut class, although I have the pleasure of teaching all the children in year 6 across the week. I have been teaching now for 15 years and this is the third school I have worked at. I am passionate about reading and have a never-ending pile of ‘to be read’ books at home which keeps growing. I am also a fan of running and love to get out (when the weather is nice) and unwind with a run. I have two children of my own who keep me on my toes and keep me running around after them, which I love. 

I’m Mrs Beeston and I teach Oak class in Year 6. Although this is my first year teaching here at Ramsey Junior School, I am in my 27th year of teaching and I am still a passionate advocate for the profession - it is an absolute honour to be teaching the next generation. Having lived locally for much of my life, I feel very much part of the Ramsey community. I live with my husband and two teenage boys. With my family, I share a love of music and (watching) football - particularly Peterborough United! 

We are very lucky to have Mrs Mehta, Mrs Walker and Miss Sanders supporting us in year 6. They are all kind and patient members of the team, who always want the best for those they are working with.

In Year 6 at the moment we have just started to get settled into our new classes and routines. We have started our first topic which is ‘Britain at War’ which will focus on both World War I and World War II. The children have also been given their SATs companion logins so they can begin using this platform to support their learning. 

All Year 6 have PE on a Thursday. Oak and Chestnut also have PE on a Wednesday and Elder are on a Friday.

Grafham Residential PP.pdf